STEM Exploration


Our Exploration was responding to the ministry of education order of introducing STEM to the government school. We were working with two schools called Kratie Krong High School and Chbar Om Pov High School. We were experimenting and implementing STEM project into high school. We chose two topics basically from their book and create the projects. We chose Potential energy and Kinetic energy(from physic) and the other one is Plants biology. The physic project is requiring the student to create a model that show and explain the science of it. For biology, the students are needed to choose plants and research how it affect Cambodian life and culture, also the science behind. The Project Based-Learning and we made 4 other presentations that explain the idea of having this project and the characteristic we want them to do when they’re doing the projects we made. Turn out there is some teacher who has accepted the project but some teacher still resist.

Presenting to the teachers in Kratie about the project-learning program for students’ practice.


Camping on the sand experience.
Cooking own food while camping.
Students of the Kratie School present there product and what they have learned.

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