Local Library

Every day, people start to get the electronic device. Lots of people now have forgotten the use of the book and how it important. So one day my friend and I come up with an idea of library everywhere and we call our project “Local Library”. This project will solve the problem of lack of resource of knowledge to the rural part of Cambodia. provide them the fundamental practice of learning through reading. We work really hard to create the library box which will last long and resistance to the changing weather.  We also fund-raise and ask for book new or old from libraries in Cambodia. Luckily there are few of the library and NGO who are willing to donate books but they are all English, so the needed Khmer books we bought it from a store. Once we have the book and library box finish we start to test the program by sending each member of the team to there province with the library box.

Members of the project; Visal, Mengthong, Niroth and Seyha(me).


Members come together to choose plans for the libraries design. We sketch new design and model to fit our interest.


Students help to complete the creation of libraries.


Children coming to take books to read and return books that they borrowed.



Ministry Day

On 12/01/2016 is the biggest event Liger have in 4 years. Your Excellency Dr. Hang Chuon Naron had ask Liger to host an event that show the people from the ministry of education youth and sport and the director of all secondary school in Phnom Penh about who are we, what are we doing and our curriculum. At that day I was presenting about Project based learning. We raise some example of project that could be apply to Secondary government school. I talk seven time about Science book. It is the first that student is actually help to give a guide to a better education. It was really amazing how they ask us good and challenging question, but we still answer well and polite. Time goes so fast, when we finish we let our visitor eat lunch first and then we take a group picture with all of them. It was the end of the event we say good bye to them then we had lunch.

STEM Exploration


Our Exploration was responding to the ministry of education order of introducing STEM to the government school. We were working with two schools called Kratie Krong High School and Chbar Om Pov High School. We were experimenting and implementing STEM project into high school. We chose two topics basically from their book and create the projects. We chose Potential energy and Kinetic energy(from physic) and the other one is Plants biology. The physic project is requiring the student to create a model that show and explain the science of it. For biology, the students are needed to choose plants and research how it affect Cambodian life and culture, also the science behind. The Project Based-Learning and we made 4 other presentations that explain the idea of having this project and the characteristic we want them to do when they’re doing the projects we made. Turn out there is some teacher who has accepted the project but some teacher still resist.

Presenting to the teachers in Kratie about the project-learning program for students’ practice.


Camping on the sand experience.
Cooking own food while camping.
Students of the Kratie School present there product and what they have learned.